Middleton St Mary's CE (VC) Primary School

School Uniform

We pride ourselves on high standards of appearance of the children. Our uniform provides our children with a sense of belonging and an identity with Middleton St Mary’s CE (VC) Primary School as well as ensuring children are seen as equals to their peers

Our uniform is practical and smart everyday wear for young children and has been designed with health and safety in mind. 

Please see the uniform policy below for further details on uniform for all children. All items of clothing, shoes, bags and PE kit must be named.

 School Uniform Policy June 2024.pdfDownload
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PE Kit (from Year 1)

Please provide:
• Navy shorts in a named pump bag/bag or navy/black joggers or leggings (no logos).
• Black pumps/pair of named trainers.
We will provide your child with a red, yellow, blue or green PE shirt (House colours), these will be owned by school, kept in school and washed at least half termly by the school.

Please note, for safety reasons, we ask all children to remove their earrings and other jewellery for PE lessons. Earrings cannot be taped.

Moor Flatts Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS10 3SW

0113 2717206
