Curriculum Intent
The MSM Curriculum
At Middleton St Mary's, our full, rich, broad and deep curriculum that is taught with the consideration of the needs of all of our children. We believe in our children and want the very best for them. Our curriculum to be exciting and to inspire children to nurture a passion for learning, feel that they belong, encourage inquisitiveness and confidence in our pupils so that they achieve well. We are proud that our curriculum promotes preparation for, and an appreciation of life in modern Britain.
We ensure equality of education and opportunity for all pupils, staff, parents and carers receiving services from the school, irrespective of race, gender, disability, religion or socio-economic background. We have a culture of inclusion and diversity in which all those connected to the school feel proud of their identity and able to participate fully in school life.
All children from Year 1 to Year 6 are taught the National Curriculum for England as set out by the Department for Education. You can download details of the framework we follow below:
Intent - What are we trying to achieve?
- Ensure that children are successful learners, who make progress, achieve and thrive.
- Ensure that children’s attainment in core and foundation subjects are in line with or exceeding their potential.
- Ensure that children are given the opportunities to be immersed in first hand experiences that they may not have access to.
- Ensure that children understand their role as good citizens in school and in their locality (within Leeds and Britain).
- Ensure that children have an understanding and respect for the diverse nature of the community they live in.
- Ensure that children are encouraged to be successful in their individual talents and creativity.
- Ensure that children are confident individuals who can lead healthy and safe lives.
- Promote inclusion, diversity and community cohesion.
- Help to make children socially responsible.
- Develop emotional intelligence and raise aspirations.
Implementation – How do we organise learning?
To achieve our curriculum aims, we use a topic based approach in which we teach skills, knowledge and creativity. Throughout the topics, we give the children a variety of experiences which bring learning to life. Each topic begins with 'hook' to learning and involves an educational visit or visitor to inspire children and support them to put their learning into a real life context.
Please see our Curriculum Overviews below for more information.
Early Years Foundation Stage
In Reception, the children are taught an Early Years Curriculum, based on the Early Years Framework which provides a sound basis for learning. Children are taught through a themed approach which covers the full range of curriculum areas based on their own interests. Key themes in the framework are addressed in provision areas and focus activities throughout the year linked to the topic.
We use an interactive approach to deliver the Early Years curriculum which focuses on seven key areas of learning. Our pupils use the indoor classroom and outdoor areas choosing from a range of activities throughout sessions. Phonics, reading, writing and maths are taught using a structured approach with whole class and small group adult lead activities.
Key Stage 1 and 2
Across the school reading is taught using whole class and individual reading sessions. Reading skills are explicitly taught with a focus on oral rehearsal. The teaching of vocabulary is planned in across curriculum subjects to ensure maximum understanding. Writing is linked to our topics and texts so that children have a purpose for writing. All pupils use their reading skills across the curriculum to develop their understanding and to promote their enjoyment of reading. In Key Stage 1 (and where required in Key Stage 2) the teaching of reading is supported through the use of the 'Read Write Inc' phonics programme. Spelling in KS2 is taught through the Read Write Inc Spelling Programme to ensure a consistent approach through school.
Writing is taught daily, with opportunities provided in other curriculum areas for our children to write for ‘real ‘ purposes eg. letters, newspaper articles, posters.
Across the school we follow the White Rose Maths Hub as a framework to teach the National Curriculum with additional focus around fluency to meet the needs of our children.
Science is taught as a discrete subject. Computing is taught discreetly but applied in many areas of the curriculum. Other National Curriculum subjects are taught through a knowledge and skills based curriculum that is linked to the topic.
In 2011, the government defined British Values as democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. We have a responsibility promote these values through our own school values, curriculum and enrichment activities.
Our curriculum supports the understanding and importance of celebrating British values.
Enhancement Opportunities
We have worked hard to enhance our curriculum with as many educational visits and visitors as possible. We believe that children learn best through experience and an enhanced curriculum is a quality curriculum. The Governing Board support this research and have made a commitment to heavily subsidise these experiences for the last three years. Examples of our enhancements are listed below.
- A memorable experience in each topic every half term.
- Regular opportunities to share achievements in worship and other whole school events.
- Regular opportunities to contribute towards learning and be involved in decision-making that effects the whole school through pupil voice groups (School Council, Reading Ambassadors, Sport Ambassadors and Playground Ambassadors).
- Opportunities to represent the school through sporting events and church events and performances.
- Opportunities to join a wide range of clubs and extra-curricular activities both after school and during lunchtimes.
- The opportunity to play the recorder and ukulele.
- Regular opportunities to work with the local community e.g. St Mary's Church, Middleton Park, Leeds Rhinos and the South Leeds Food Bank.
- The opportunity to undertake Bikeability training.
- The opportunity to undertake Road Safety training.
- Opportunities to perform in plays and lead Church Services (Christingle, Eucharist, Harvest, Easter.
- On-going opportunities to learn through practical, hands-on, investigative activities e.g. growing fruit and vegetables, cooking, etc
- Opportunities for a residential visit to London in Year 6
Extra-Curricular Activities
Whilst the Arts, sports and enrichment are embedded in the curriculum, we also have many opportunities for children to take part in extra-curricular clubs. These include:
- gardening club
- choir
- running club
- tennis club
- cooking club
- Lego club
- multi-sports
- football
Impact - How do we know that we are achieving our aims?
Each Curriculum subject is led by a teacher who is supported by one or more members of teaching staff or a HLTA. These curriculum teams meet regularly to review their on-going action plan, delegate responsibilities, monitor the impact of teaching on learning across their subject across school and evaluate the impact of their actions as leaders. We evaluate the impact of our curriculum on children through the following accountability measures:
- Attainment and progress of children are at least good.
- Good behaviours for learning is seen throughout school.
- Children attend school regularly and are on time for learning.
- Healthy lifestyle choices (physical and mental) are adopted by children.
- Children are fully prepared for secondary education.
- Children are fully prepared for positive involvement in society.
2024-2025 Curriculum Overviews
Additional information on what is being taught and how to support your child can be found in the half termly newsletters and knowledge organisers on the History, Geography and Science pages.
If you would like any more information about what will be covered in each class, do not hesitate to get in touch with the class teacher or email
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NEW Nursery CURRICULUM OVERVIEW 2024-25.pdf | Download |
Reception CURRICULUM OVERVIEW 2024-25.pdf | Download |
Y1 CURRICULUM OVERVIEW 2024-25.pdf | Download |
Y2 CURRICULUM OVERVIEW 2024-25.pdf | Download |
Y3 CURRICULUM OVERVIEW 2024-25.pdf | Download |
Y4 CURRICULUM OVERVIEW 2024-25.pdf | Download |
Y5 CURRICULUM OVERVIEW 2024-25.pdf | Download |
Y6 CURRICULUM OVERVIEW 2024-25.pdf | Download |
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0113 2717206